Saturday, February 21, 2009

newer version of the business card


Ms Adams said...

I really like the back of your business card, the type that you chose definitely says rock and roll to me. I do think that you should put something on the back because it feels a little empty. DONT CHANGE THE FRONT! LOL

Tres Swygert said...

Maybe you can have the phrase "Rock On" a little bolder in the color value. Sometimes, it is a bit hard to see it when it's close to the white value. Sometimes, not all the times. Compared with the circle that's behind the guitar, that value is definitely strong enough to know it's there. :)

Just for the business card wise, and for the letterhead, you could leave the value where it it won't compete with the actual text in the body.

Brian Ollison said...

I really love where you took the logo! I thought it was complete a few stages ago, but the work you put in to get it here really has perfected it! Is the font Blair or Bank Gothic? Those are two of my favorite fonts, I am not completely sure about the black border on the back although I see it helps unify your theme. I do like the Eat Drink and Rock in the light gray. Keep up the hard work!

Jamall McMillan said...

hey brandi I wont change the front lol

tres- just for you i dont care, i dont care, I dont care lol no seriously i am going to play with the value because it is bothering me

Brian- yeah its bank gothic. thats my favorite font. I am going to work on another theme because the border is starting to bother me. im just trying to think of something